Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Selling Out of America and Americans

Since according to the main stream media we are all waiting with bated breath for the conventions, and November 2008 Presidential election (for which there has been almost two years worth of inane coverage) to see who will be the next corporate CEO lackey and/or 'unconstitutional' lawyer nutjob running the asylum, maybe it is time to also step back and fully realize that the change both of these candidates espouse, quite obviously, is more of the same - the Selling Out of America and Americans to the highest 'corporate' bidder or foreign interest. This agenda has gone on even far longer than the senior Bush and his UN 'New World Order' Fascism all the way back to Woodrow Wilson, it would appear.

Be that as it may, it has been interesting to see how complacent the American people are with what is going on. Instead of calling for the true changes needed, returning to our Constitution as the guilding force behind this government 'of the people,' rather than what has transpired with this 'jobs and the economy,' the ends justifies the means socialist agenda, it seems many still believe changes and enlarging the federal government and it's powers is the answer, rather than actually the main source of the problem. The bigger the bureaucracy gets, the less influence the people have so those 'big government' liberals are actually 'big government' socialists, by and large, and those 'limited government' Republicans are actually 'corporate' socialists, by and large.

What has happened to this country is astronomical in it's scope, and with the propaganda which has been used to sell this agenda so that most of the next generation actually do believe that our Constitution is a 'living' document - not that there is a process within that Constitution in order to amend it if that is the wish of the masses and not the job of the U.S. Supreme Court to do in it's rulings. It is there to 'interpret' the Constitution as written, and are not to be inserting words into it, redefining the English language, or usinig foreign courts and foreign jurisdictions in order to come up with their holdings. The process for amendment is complex for a reason. In order to protect the founder's vision - and the Supreme Court justices are not a part of that process in the slightest.

As far as the selling off of America to the highest bidders - when traveling this summer on your vacation (if you can afford the price of gas, or the price of admission at most of the national/state parks now) in order to keep the kids occupied, have them keep track of all the foreigners they meet during their vacations, and the countries they have traveled from since with our dollar now in the toilet, America is becoming nothing more than a tourist attraction for foreigners. No wonder our Homeland Security, Defense Department and Border Patrol agents are stretched to the limit - the more of those visas that are approved, the more manpower it takes in order to monitor them. Which is more important - the revenue these foreigners bring in or the safety of the American people? All that money being sent to Mexico both those 'hard working' illegal Mexicans also has affected our currency......the more of our currency that is out of the country, the less it is worth. Seems there must be some method to the Bush/Clinton/Bush administrations madness, the same madness that lead to 9/11. As long as there is a buck to be made for someone of vital importance, the hell with the rest of the nation.

Capitalism never sunk so low. And capitalism actually is not our form of government either. Neither was it intended to be a 'free market,' but a 'taxed' market on foreign or global companies and products, to protect U.S. industry. Remember the East India Company - whose global partnership with King George led to the Boston Tea Party and American Revolution. We have taken a 180 turn in fighting for 'global' dominance believing that the more 'global' we go, the better off America and Americans will be, when nothing can be further from the truth as has been quite evident with the fallout from what occurred with both 9/11, and the Federal Reserve/world bank mortgage crisis. Now foreign entities not only are purchasing our land thus increasing their influence, they are buying up some of our banks. These guys have even 'privatized' clear governmental functions at the cost of the American citizens in also 'outsourcing' the courts and court systems (paid arbitrators and mandatory arbitration, rather than jury trials), even municipal impound lots are being 'privatized' so that police officer's can now make a buck off the out state residents and others their buddies on duty write tickets for. And those DUI 'sobriety checkpoints' and unlawful search and seizures were done at federal behest - on the threat of removal of federal highway funding if the state and local governments did not comply. Of course, they 'granted' federal tax monies also to these entities in order to carry out these dictates - so in most of those unlawful stops the degradation and abuse is magnified since not only are you paying now those extortionary fines for those 'low level' rigged Intoxilyzer readings, you are actually paying added fines and fees for the private impound lots, and even those DUI 'special enforcement teams' funding through your federal taxes.

As far as 'terrorism' threats - if you took a poll and were to ask 3/4 of the citizens in the border states who they fear most - Middle Eastern terrorists, or the border hoppers ripping off their automobiles and terrorizing the community - I'm sure they would state the border hoppers, and my estimates are probably rather low.

Wonder whether that Columbian trade deal that McCain and Hillary Clinton and others are now pushing had anything to do with securing an 'escape route' for these 'global socialists' after they sell or lease the White House and Washington monument to the Sultan of Dubai?

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